Car Factory Ai (Takarazuka-shi, Hyogo-Pref., Japan) used car sales, repair, race car production and maintenance

Car Factory Ai (Takarazuka-shi, Hyogo-Pref., Japan)
used car sales, repair, race car production and maintenance


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Since year 2000, we have managed and operated various events and races primarily with Toyota AE86. Begin with the AE86 N1 races in Okayama International Circuit Challenge Cup, N2 races sponsored by the publishing companies and Suzuka Clubman Races. We have also made entry to VITA races held worldwide. On year 2002, selected as committee chairperson of AE86 festival held in Okayama International Circuit and yet, we have continued management of Hot Version N2 races. Our concept is not only to be recognized as pro-shop and/or professional racers but to offer possibilities and chances to fulfill everyones dreams for those who wishes to get involved including the official races. And that is for all drivers including amateurs, gentleman drivers and female drivers .

We are dedicated to show our customers that we are not only a race management/race car production organization and that we are a car shop that handles regular car and services as well. Our appeal to everyone is that it doesn’t require so many technician experts to participate in race activities. Time is now in the stage were young generations interests is not so much with the cars. That is why, we desire and continued to be an organization that sympathize the importance of connection with people as well as knowing the wonderfulness of team work.



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